Bleach Porn

Bleach Porn Story: Sink Into Me

Bleach Porn Story: Sink Into Me

Chapter 4

The next couple of weeks were a blur for Grimmjow, a blur that consisted of drilling the fresh meat until they dropped, teasing Soi Fon, getting the crap kicked out of him after the teasing, and drifting by Death and the Strawberry to see if he could get any additional ‘Captain Bee time’ after work had finished for the night. Routines had always been for the boring as far as he’d been concerned, and he was shocked to find that he was actually enjoying this particular one. Come to think of it, the same could have been said for following orders, doing something that actually qualified as work, and not partying on a regular basis.

Not that he’d straightened out completely.

Teasing the little bee was still his entertainment of choice. She was just too fun to leave alone and, since he’d taken his friends’ advice, she had actually been more inclined to spend some time with him. Of course, the second he went too far he was sent off to deal with the newest squad members, but it was still worth it to see her eyes flash like that. Soi Fon was, no doubt, completely unaware of it, but when he really pissed her off to the point where she attacked there was a moment when she smiled. Not a typical smile, no, but a wicked smile that promised one hell of a something and damn, if it wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d ever seen… Hell, that was half the reason he liked to push her. That expression on her face looked as though she was about to rip either his clothes or his arms off, and it made him feel like he wasn’t going to try and stop her anytime soon.

Admittedly, so far she’d been aiming entirely for his arms, but a guy could dream. Which he did, every night. Vividly. And then described to her the next day, watching her get more and more infuriated and hoping she’d snap.

Damn, he loved it when his little bee snapped.

He shook his head and looked around the office. Soi Fon had left earlier that morning to patrol with some of the ranked officers and, with his paperwork done and no one to harass, the office was kinda dull. Worse, it was lonely. Mentally calculating, he realised that Captain Bee wouldn’t be back for another two hours, that he had completed everything that he was authorized to do alone, that he hadn’t visited the Seventh Division in a while and that he was hungry.

That combination of facts could mean only one thing – it was time for lunch and, if he’d played his cards right, Maiko was buying.



“Awww, c’mon. Help a guy in need.”

“In need? You get paid tons more than me, and receive advice, sarcasm and sassy remarks on a regular basis, free of charge. If anything, you should be shouting me lunch.”

Ulquiorra pinched the bridge of his nose as he stared at the two officers bickering in front of his desk. And he’d been so hopeful that today would be quiet…

“I ain’t shouting you anything. Last time I agreed to buy you drinks for a night, you almost dried out the bar! How the fuck you managed that, I don’t know, but you owe me.”

That night was also burned into Ulquiorra’s brain. At least, it would have been if he could remember it. Maybe it would be worth using his eye to check on the night’s events…

Beside him, Nel was fighting not to dissolve into giggles. He turned to stare at her balefully. “He’s your friend.”

She grinned back. “I don’t know about that. After all, I’m not the one he escaped Hueco Mundo with. I’m not the one who goes drinking with him. I’m not the one who – “

His lips quirked into a half-smile as he turned back to her. “Very well, I see your point. Still, I was hoping that today we could have a quiet lunch together for once.”

She shrugged. “We still can. Think of it as lunch and a show. Besides, as your captain I can choose to extend your lunch break, so we’re not losing any time here.”


“I always thought so.” Shaking her head, she turned back to the scene in front of her as the two antagonists agreed to split lunch. “You two done?”

Maiko rolled her eyes. “Ish. Grimm, you’re such a scab. Such a shame, too, when you seem to have straightened up in every other respect.”

He stared at her. “What the fuck you on about, woman?”

“Just saying, I’m surprised you actually took the advice that Ulquiorra and I gave you.”

Nel raised an eyebrow at this as she scrutinised Ulquiorra. “Advice?”

He sighed. “We attempted to point out to Grimmjow that he had not been acting fairly by his captain, and that if he wanted to get on her good side it would be advisable to be less exasperating to work with. Surprisingly, he actually took what we said on board.”

“Really?” Nel turned back to a cranky looking Grimmjow and a very smug Maiko. “You know, she has seemed far less stressed when I see her at meetings. What gives, Grimm? Since when do you even know what work is, let alone how to do it?”

“Ha ha fucking ha. Aren’t we all so fucken hilarious?”

“He’s been positively angelic lately where Captain Soi Fon’s concerned”, Maiko pointed out with a grin.

“Get bent”, Grimmjow muttered, a scowl on his face as what appeared to be a dull blush spread across his features. “I jus’ figured I should probably help out more, especially if it meant I got the crap kicked out of me less. I fucken tell ya, you haven’t been beaten up until Captain Bee does it.”

“Oh, sounds like you finally met your match”, Nel drawled, her grin positively nefarious. “Isn’t that sweet?”

Ulquiorra snorted, before turning to smirk at Nel. “I do so enjoy it when you join me for some Grimmjow-baiting.”

“It’s the official sport of the Seventh Division!” Maiko announced. “Seriously, we should put up a banner or something. You got any of that paper you were using for the Second Division slogans left, Grimm?”

“Some fucken friends you lot are.” Grimmjow was not amused.

“I’ve got to admit, it does sound as though you like her”, Nel added.

“Course I do”, he said, rolling his eyes. “She’s cute when you get her all riled up.”

“No, not the way you like all those women you hit on – “

“I stopped that, remember?”

Maiko piped up, “I still think you should get tested, some of those girls looked more than a little dodgy. I’m sure the Fourth would be very discreet.”

Nel nodded. “But aside from that, it sounds as though you really like her. You know, in a more permanent fashion.”

“For example, more than the one night”, Ulquiorra deadpanned.

Grimmjow stared from one to the other before shaking his head. “Why the fuck am I always the one you gang up on?”

Instantly they replied in unison, “Because you deserve it.”

“Bastards.” Running a hand through his hair, he looked up to glare at the three of them. “Look, so I like her. Don’t mean that I like her. You know, like that. Fuck, I jus’ think she looks hot when she’s angry, that’s as far as it goes. Anyway, weren’t we going to lunch?” He raised an eyebrow at Maiko, who shook her head with a wry smile on her face.

“Whatever you say, Grimmjow.”

“You drop this subject an’ I’ll pay”, he growled, and was greeted with a squeal, followed by a considerably more sober, “Who is this Captain Soi Fon of whom we speak?”

“Glad you see it my way.” A decidedly cranky expression on his face, he nodded to the other two as he slouched out, Maiko giggling as she followed in his wake.

Nel gazed after them both, and the smile on her face widened when she heard a chuckle beside her. Turning to Ulquiorra, with a quizzical look on her face, she drawled, “Not that I object to anything that you find amusing, but what exactly did you enjoy about that particular scene? Aside from watching Grimmjow get mocked, which is a fairly regular occurrence?”

Mastering himself, Ulquiorra settled for a smug expression. “It’s just that his obliviousness is rather entertaining.”

Nel snorted. “I’ll say. He obviously likes her more than he realises or is willing to let on. It’ll hit him eventually.”

Curling his arms around her waist, Ulquiorra rested his chin on her shoulder. “I don’t know. We were pretty oblivious ourselves.”

“True. Still, it’s Grimmjow. How bad could it get?”

They paused, and thought that statement through.

“Oh dear.”


At a noodle bar in the thirteenth district of the Rukongai, Grimmjow stared across the table at Maiko, who was happily slurping away at her free noodles, and considered the conversation he’d just been subjected to.

“You don’ think…” He trailed off as Maiko finished her mouthful.

“What? C’mon, spit it out.”

“Well, ya don’t think they got a point? About me an’ my captain.”

Maiko looked him over appraisingly. “I think only you can figure that out, hun. However, I will just say that she’s been the main topic of your conversation for a while now, and the focus of a lot of what you do. Captain-worship is pretty common, but when it strengthens it can become something a lot deeper. And Captain-Lieutenant relationships do tend to be very close. Hell, just look at Nel and Ulqui. Or Shunsui and Nanao. Or – “

“Ok, point taken.” Tugging at one of the gelled spikes of hair that hung in his face, Grimmjow frowned, before shrugging. “Che, whatever. It’s just a thing, ya know?”

Maiko raised an eyebrow. “Of course. A thing. That clears everything right up. It’s all so clear to me now.”



He paused. “Thanks for the company.”

“Thanks for the free noodles.”

“Same time next week?”

“You buying again?”

He snorted. “In ya fucken dreams.”

She grinned back. “Yeah, I figured. Anyway, you need to talk, you know where to find me, ok?”

He rolled his eyes. “I ain’t a fucken woman.”

She gave him a look of disbelief and shrugged. “Well the offer’s there.”

His expression sobered. “I know.” He nodded to her. “Cheers.”

Her lips twitched. “Anytime, Grimm.”


Back in the Second Division, Soi Fon glared daggers at Yoruichi as she sniggered, reading over the note that Grimmjow had left before departing for his early lunch. He’d recently taken to leaving her messages when he left the office, most of which were positively obscene and all of which managed to get on her nerves.

She sighed, resigned to her fate. “What’s he written now?”

Getting her giggles under control, Yoruichi cleared her throat. “Captain Bee, I’m off to lunch at the Seventh. Did the paperwork, it was boring as shit. In fact, worse. At least shit has the smell to keep it interesting.”

“Charming”, Soi Fon drawled, “Do go on.”

Grinning, the older woman continued. “Things were so dull I ended up leaving you an illustrated version of the dream I had last night on the back of your budget. I know that position looks a little tricky, but I have faith in you, Bee.”

Eyes widening, she reached over to her desk and picked up the offending article, her cheeks bright red as she scanned it.

“Hmmm, he’s not actually such a bad artist.” Lady Yoruichi had come up behind her and was now gazing over her shoulder. “He’s made you look curvier, though. And, as for his self-portrait, I don’t think it’s physically possible to be that well-endowed and able to stand up straight.”

Closing her eyes, Soi Fon massaged a temple. “Keep reading. I might as well get it over with.”

Yoruichi grinned. “But of course, Shaolin.” She cleared her throat dramatically once more, as Soi Fon struggled not give in to the urge to scream her rage away. “In the meantime, bee, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Unless, of course, the urge to ravish Yoruichi on my desk is just too strong for you to wait until I get back to watch, in which case I’d be very grateful if you could at least film it for me. Cheers, Grimmjow. PS. Same goes for any nude desktop dancing.”

Silence reigned in the office, as Soi Fon attempted a few calming breaths before giving serenity up as a bad job.

“Are you sure I can’t kill him?”

Yoruichi shook her head, her smile still firmly in place. “C’mon Shaolin, lighten up.”

“I am light. I’m positively weightless and gravity can no longer affect me. Now, can I kill him?”

“Nope. Really bee, you’re getting far too worked up about this to be healthy. And is he really that bad? I mean he’s actually making himself useful in general and, as for this, he’s only teasing. What’s the harm?”

“I don’t like being teased”, muttered Soi Fon, cursing the fact that she sounded more like a petulant child than a seasoned captain.

Yoruichi raised an eyebrow. “You sound so very mature when you say that.”

“Oh, go to hell.”

“Well, he’s just having fun. Speaking of such things, when was the last time you had fun? You know, something I would call fun, not just beating the crap out of a subordinate.”

There was a very awkward pause.

“Shit hun, that isn’t good. You’ve worked too hard for years as it is, you to unwind sometime.”

“Yeah, well taking over the Second Division, keeping the Shihouns in line and fighting a war does tend to kill your free time”, Soi Fon pointed out darkly.

“Touché, but you do need some sort of way to unwind.” Yoruichi looked thoughtful. “When was the last time you got laid?”

“WHAT?” Soi Fon looked as though she was having a heart attack.

“You heard me.”

She’d had a lot of conversations over the years that she had forcibly erased from her memory in order to ensure her sanity. This looked as though it was shaping up to be one of them. “None of your damn business!”

“So, a while then?” Yoruichi was definitely enjoying this.

Refusing to admit that her mentor was right, Soi Fon sputtered out, “This is hardly relevant to anything we’ve been discussing.”

“Really, because I think it’s actually very relevant. See, the way it looks to me is that you need something to help you relax.” She chuckled. “And believe me, nothing relaxes you quite like getting laid. Kisuke and I – “

A stricken look on her face, Soi Fon interjected, “Ignorance is bliss! Just get to the point.”

“Fine. Well, all I’m saying is that the solution to your problem is right in front of you.”

She wasn’t sure where this was heading, but Soi Fon was determined to cut one idea off before it began, simply stating in a deadpan voice, “I’m not having a threesome with you and Kisuke.”

As Yoruichi roared with laughter, a third voice joined the conversation.

“Man, I love my job.”

Soi Fon groaned.

How in Hueco Mundo does Jeagerjacques always show up at moments like this? Does he have some sort of innuendo sensor? Is it a cat thing?

Turning to glare at her lieutenant/bane of her existence, she ground out, “Glad you’re back. There’s a hand-to-hand combat session in the second hall with your name on it.”

Leaning against the doorframe, he crossed his arms and grinned at both women. “Throwing me out so that you two can get it on? Classy. I thought better of you Captain Bee. And Lady Yoruichi, I thought I’d be first on your invite list. I’m hurt. Deeply. Might never recover an’ everything. Still, I could be capable of forgiving you if I get to watch.”

That got a scowl from Soi Fon and even louder laughter from Yoruichi, who managed to ask, “Say, Grimmjow, I was just telling Shaolin she needed to start having some more fun to help her relax. Any suggestions?”

Bracing herself for the inevitable, Soi Fon fixed a furious glare at Grimmjow, who elected to ignore it and replied, with a smirk, “I’ve been suggesting things since I started working here, she just doesn’t seem to want to play. I’d be happy to do all the work, if it’s relaxation she’s after.”

Gritting her teeth, the petite Captain made a mental note to stop any interaction between her mentor and her lieutenant, since it never ended well for her. However, it wasn’t over.

“Anyway, Shaolin? You got multiple aliases, Captain Bee?”

She sighed. “It was the name I was born with. It changed when I went to serve the Shihoun family, as was tradition. Now out – you have things to do.”

He gave a mock salute as he slipped out the door, throwing a casual, “Whatever you say, Shaolin”, over his shoulder.

Soi Fon turned to glare at the woman currently sitting on her desk looking far too smug. “You told him my birth name on purpose.”

“Yep. But I think it helped illustrate my point about the solution being right in front of you.”

Soi Fon frowned. “What are you driving at now?”

Yoruichi gave her a very pointed look.

Soi Fon’s frown deepened in confusion.

Yoruichi’s look intensified as she nodded toward the door that Grimmjow had just left through.

Soi Fon’s eyes widened as her jaw dropped in shock. “You have got to be kidding. Please, tell me this is a joke.”

Yoruichi shrugged as she looked at Grimmjow’s sketch once more. “Just saying, he’s ready, very willing and, judging from his picture, incredibly able. You’ve already admitted that you find him attractive. And you look like you’re having fun in the drawing…”

Growling, she strode over to the desk and grabbed the sketch from the other woman, tearing it into small pieces. “Not happening. Not in a million years. This is Jeagerjacques we’re talking about. The same person I want to strangle on a regular basis!”

“You don’t have to like him to – “


Holding out her hands Yoruichi conceded defeat. “Alright, I get it.”

“Good.” Throwing the remains of the drawing on her desk, Soi Fon slouched into her chair, a scowl clearly outlined on her features. Yoruichi observed her with a smile, which only served to annoy her further.

“What now?”

“You do realise that when you ripped up that drawing, you also shredded the budget, right?”

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